Learn about how we help communities and companies meet odor standards and reduce emissions using our advanced waste water treatment chemicals.
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Focused on the Environment:
Odor control, safety awareness and meeting emissions.
Keeping our planet green. Let us help you optimize your processes while reducing emissions.
Wastewater Treatment - Enviro-Scrub®

Odor Reduction in Wastewater Collection System
- Eliminated odor complaints in neighborhood.
- Enviro-Scrub® is more cost effective than ferrous sulfate and magnesium hydroxide.
Wastewater Treatment - Enviro-Scrub®

Sludge Treatment for Food Processor
- H2S in sludge eliminated and health hazards with spikes of up to 750 ppm H2S mitigated by using Enviro-Scrub®.
Wastewater Treatment - Enviro-Scrub® Bio

Biological Treatment of Lift Station
- Enviro-Scrub® Bio is completely eco-friendly and more cost effective than ferric chloride.
- H2S completely eliminated and spikes no longer seen.
Pulp and Paper - Enviro-Scrub®

Pulp and Paper H2S Treatment
- H2S in sludge eliminated and health hazards with spikes of up to 750 ppm H2S mitigated when using Enviro-Scrub®.